Monday, February 02, 2009

Arizona Super Bowl interrupted by porn, Tucson women further alienated from a pointless afternoon of television

Is this really the FCC logo? And is that eagle infused
with the power of Zeus, or just being electrocuted?

The fact that a Tucson, Arizona Super Bowl affiliate was briefly interrupted after their final losing touchdown by 30 seconds or so of explicit pornography is hardly newsworthy, unless you consider the following angles:
  • The running, jumping, screaming heart attack of a panic that must have occurred at the NBC affiliate before the issue was resolved, culminating in, I'm sure, a significant look of worry between the station's programmers.
  • The fact that the state had just lost the Super Bowl a few seconds before the incident and, judging by the description of the material inadvertently aired, it sounds a bit more interesting than the Jackson/Timberlake incident a few years back. (Of course, Janet Jackson being essentially the male version of her brother Michael, I'm sure "Nipplegate" provoked more disbelieving nausea than interest.)
  • The fact that this colossal screwup seems to be at least unintentional, and we no longer have a Bush-appointed FCC chief who's duty-bound to do as much self-righteous moral posturing as possible, meaning that the network, properly humiliated, may be able to let this slide without too much fuss.

But seriously. . . the Super Bowl? Who cares anymore, other than the everybody and their dog who watched it? Football isn't escapism, and the fact that the result eventually comes down to a greater than/less than equation that the viewer has no control over means that anybody who doesn't watch it for the ambience (and for an excuse to hang out with their buddies on a Sunday) might as well just check the scores on Monday morning. Unless. . . more graphic, unbroadcastable pornography starts making its way into the Super Bowl and only the Super Bowl.

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