(I found most of these on BoingBoing. Seriously, if you haven't visited that site. Do it now. You might find it uninteresting upon first visit but after some time you'll find out how truly wonderful it is.
First some bizarre items for sale on teh Internets:

The "scariest mask of 2007": the Michael Jackson Fright Mask. Actually, I believe this is the face he makes every morning as he stands in front of the medicine cabinet. "Nope - still me."
A bacon candy bar, from a self-proclaimed bacon and chocolate enthusiast. (I'm a bacon and chocolate enthusiast, but not really a bacon and chocolate enthusiast - kudos for the man with the gravitas to combine the two.)

The Hello Kitty Assault Rifle needs no explanation.
Ridiculously-Cute Kids' Costumes. Well, babies' costumes really. Whether you've got a kid or not you'll want to check these heart-meltingly cute costumes out. (Particularly the "Peas in a Pod" costume.) Not surprisingly, the fuzzy bunny costume has sold out. I'm glad I'm not a baby anymore, when people would take advantage of me by making me wear humiliating outfits.

Google Hit Count Jewelry. An "update of the ring as a status symbol", these rings display constantly the number of hits received by a Google-ing of your name. I'd set it to my pseudonym "Bruce Springsteen" by which I'm more well-known.
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