Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Google "Custom Time"

Google's new service for tricking people into thinking that you remembered important things has got me intrigued. The prospect of sending an e-mail dated in the past (for example, before that important anniversary, birthday or deadline) sounds useful, but allowing Gmail users to send e-mails to others that have already been marked read, even before they have been read . . . that's just devious and wonderful. Deviously wonderful.

Anyway, you only get 10 per year, lest message receivers "lose faith in the accuracy of time, thus rendering the feature useless." Great stuff.

EDIT: OK - technically it was April Fool's day, considering that I read the sucker at 1:30 in the morning. Still, I'm not ashamed that I got taken in - it was part of the March 31 sleep cycle, after all. Now it's time to create some demand so they'll actually go out and create this.

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