Monday, September 17, 2007

Signs, Banners and Cookies has put up a nice little selection of modifiable signs and banners, based on the code from that Church Sign Generator we all remember from a few years back. Only a few of the selections have merit, but the good ones are quite well-done. Choose a caption from whimsical to horrible and begin:

Comedic timing and realism is crucial on these things.

Somehow "iWish iWas Happy" just didn't read right on the sign. Opaque Americans don't yet have the rights that they are owed.

I find this little creation of mine oddly hilarious.

One more time: Smorgasbord of Generators

Edit: Thanks to comedy king for link to similar site Custom Sign Generator with a collection of many more sites such as this. The site isn't quite as pretty but it's a real treasure trove. (Be sure to follow the first link to

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